
About Us

DBE Energy build in Istanbul at 2013 after 10 years professional experience on the solar technologies. Since then the company invest in engineering and human resource besides the innovations and technology. Now expanding own working fields in multiple locations with more than 400 people. It continues to work and invest with its subsidiaries operating in different sectors and areas where added value can be created.

The company represent domestic engineering and workmanship to the international scene to create value-added projects as its vision. And continue to grow its structure required by the modern age with more than 100MW PV plant application reference, 400MW project designing reference and 43MW own investment.

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What does DBE do?

Legal Process:Preparation of Transfer Contract:Carrying out the whole legal process during the transferring of the power plants that have been evaluated according to technical and financial data. Also during this legal process, these contract process making in a secure way.Analyze of Company:The companies regarding solar power plants are inspected and controlling them against any debts and negative situations by DBE Energy.Suppliers:The guarantee processes of the materials used in the plants and the follow-up of the processes and the process of the agreements are managed. In addition, we also make contracts with suppliers.Note: All legal processes are carried out by our legal department in DBE Energy.
Administrative Process:EMRA (Energy Market Regulatory Authority):This process checking the solar power plants before the transfer inspects to constructing following the EMRA institution and Turkish regulations. TEDAŞ (Turkish Electricity Distribution Corporation-TEDC)These are the processes in which the project operations of the solar power plants are integrated with the TEDC institution.Distrubiton Company:All transactions are carried out with the relevant distribution company from the sale of electricity to all other rights.Note: The entire administrative process is carried out by our technical department.
Financial Process:Bank:We provide services for the pay of a loan and transfer of debtless power plants to our investors.Note: The entire financial process is carried out by our finance department in DBE Energy.

Legal Process:Suppliers:Providing the management of the process and the contracts we have made before the transfer of the materials used in your power plants.Responsibility of Advisor Engineer Certificate (AEC):We undertake the legal responsibility service of your solar power plant in all technical matters, especially the transformer responsibility with our competent engineer team with AEC approved in our branch in the province where your solar energy power plant is located.
Administrative Process:EMRA (Energy Market Regulatory Authority):Your established power plant's EMRA processes and revisions are provided by us.Distrubiton Company:Your established power plant's relevant distribution company processes and revisions are provided by us.
Financial Process:Monthly Billing:We manage your monthly income operations also performing all process including taxation of your invoice and net income.Accounting Process:All accounting processes, including financial management of your income and expenses, are carried out by us under Turkish law.Note: The entire financial process is carried out by our finance department in DBE Energy.
Technical Process:Monitoring and Analysis:We monitor the instant production of the solar power plants with our international quality software and thanks to our competent technical team we are able to monitor the power plants and perform efficiency analysis at any time.Repair:In order to ensure running at the higher efficiency of your power plants, we provide instant and periodic maintenance of all equipment in case of failure.

Reporting:Techinical Report:In our O&M service, the production amounts that we target as yield and the actual amount of production is reported technically. Thanks to this, daily, monthly and annual production reports in kW can be made, also inferences can be made for future production amount.Financial Report:The income of our investors is reported monthly depending on the amount of production. As a result of all processes, it will show the IRR rate of your earnings and the efficiency of your solar power plant.Test:We test the equipment of your solar power plants. All necessary equipment, especially panel, transformer, and inverter are being thermal tested. According to these tests, your annual production and earnings amount coming out.
What Advantages Are Offered to Foreign Investors? Foreigners who invest directly can equally benefit from the opportunities provided to domestic investors. Direct investment is made in the form of open company in Turkey or become partners in an existing company. Only long-term foreign investments can benefit from the convenience offered by the state. Gains from operations, sales, liquidation and compensation, the license can freely transfer abroad. In addition to all these foreigners who want to invest in Turkey can benefit; tax reductions, investment allocation, insurance premiums, and similar government incentives.
Special Tax Regulations Available Foreign investors are existing shareholders agreements with various countries both their own country in order to avoid paying taxes to Turkey.
Can foreign investors establish companies? Foreign investors are anonymous in Turkey and have the possibility of setting up a limited liability company name.
What is Taxation for Foreign Investors? The corporate income tax for companies in Turkey is 20%. Besides, individuals are obliged to pay income tax on the earnings they earn during the year. Personal income rate is between 15% -35%. Turkey, as well as the foreign investor's home country, is a country that is included in the agreement that prevents double payment of taxes in Turkey. Also, tax exemptions are offered to foreign investors by the government in various periods.
Can Foreign Investors Receive Turkish Citizenship? With the regulation that came into force two years ago, foreign investors may be entitled to Turkish citizenship.